As I was updating, revising, and adding, and adding AND adding to the manual for my ‘Think Winning Thoughts’ workshop it occurred to me that the 3-ish hours I spend with each golfer could easily become a day or 6 given all the important points I wanted to share. There is just SO much I learn on an almost daily basis which could supplement the program and yet, given I can’t shadow my participants all day long (there are days you will count yourself as fortunate!), I sought out a way to deliver additional value outside of the workshop and thus, “My Thoughts”, blog was born!
For those of you who do not take the workshop, there is enough here that you’ll be able to take away from each post to incorporate into your game and life. For those that do (thank you very much by the way) the posts will serve to reinforce what we discuss during our time together. Either way my intention is to offer on-going support, both on and off the golf course, in pursuit of whatever is important to you.
If there is a question you’d like me to answer here please send it to SLG at ThinkWinningThoughts dot com and, if I can give you a great answer which will also be of help to others who read it, I’ll include it in one of my bi-weekly posts.